Saturday, April 9, 2011


Right now we are wrapping up the book of Esther. I think I have enjoyed this book more than any other study I have done. The book is different than any other in the Bible it doesn't say the word Lord. So, one might ask where is God during all this. He is in the background if you look closely. In a nut shell there is this King that is in search of a new Queen b/c the old one wouldn't obey. Esther was a beautiful young woman that the King picked. Then there was this other guy that reported to the King. He was offended by Esther's "father" (I put the quotes b/c he wasn't her real dad but raised her..i think he is an cousin??) He made the King's right hand man mad b/c he wouldn't bow to him. When asked the bad guy found out it was b/c he was a Jew. So, he went to the King to get a decree to kill all Jews. Well the Queen was a Jew. She threw them a two banquets and asked for her life and her people's life. King was mad that this happened and decided to kill his guy. Honestly you should read it.

What did I get out of it? Keep faith. That God has a plan in time. I also really admire how Esther went about things. She seemed very cool and collective.

Found a movie!! Haven't watched all it yet but looks good so far.

I also found a movie called One Night With the King

Can't wait to watch them!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Who is Henry Vane.

The man in the photo for 300.

(1589-1655). To be honest I haven't had enough to to really research the guy behind the photo. I did find out that he has a facebook page. Sounds like quiet a crazy life with castles, wars, quarrels, and yes even taking his own life. I thought I had it crazy but reading about his life makes me thankful that I don't have to go through half of of what went on back then. One of my favorite plays is Romeo and Juliet but I always thought it was a little exaggerated but I can kinda see the time now. Henry was on his way politically. Knighted  in 1611, comptroller (1629) and treasurer (1639) of the household and secretary of state (1640). So, what happened you ask?

"Vane's appointment as secretary of state was opposed by the earl of Strafford. In the latter's trial, Vane, with genuine or pretended reluctance, testified that Strafford had advocated the use of the Irish army against Parliament. As a result he lost favor with the king and was dismissed from office."
But wait it gets even more interesting. How you might ask stay tuned to see how his kid turned out. Oh yeh, here is a pic of the castle in the fam!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy St Patties Day!!

So, in doing our family history I have realized I have more Irish in my than I thought. Kinda cool b/c I'm fascinated by the Irish. I didn't do much digging this week on that side but I did find a link to this guy, handsome huh? Stay tuned to find out who he is!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Farmers, Running, & b.i.b.l.e

Ok, so far all I have found out I have a ton of farmers up one branch. They mostly lived in Georgia and North Carolina going back to the civil war time. I did find a few family photos; one even goes back to 1826.

I think I'm going to use this Family Tree Builder program I found online to keep track of everything I find too.

On a side note: I started to run again last week. Monday felt great I went the full 2 miles I wanted then on Thursday I didn't do so hot and then again on Sat didn't do the best. So, I'm excited of next week.

As for the bible study honestly I haven't opened it since Tuesday. So that is what I'm going to go do now.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Roots Body Soul

I'm so excited about my new project, Mind Body Soul. Let me explain a little.

I'll start with Roots. I have always been curious about why my ancestors came to America and where I came from. Luckily I have a few great family members that have done tons of research that I can start with. One of them even dates back to 1178. How cool is that?

Body. This one kinda started last year with the 5k training. Those of you who don't know I am not athletic at all. Last summer I was watching Losing It With Jillian and decided it was time to get healthy. And there started my couch to 5k program. This year I'm thinking bigger...half marathon bigger. I was planning on the White Rock but somehow it is sold out. Err. So, not sure which one I'm going to do yet but in the meantime I have a few 5ks in mind.

Soul. Last but not least knowing God. I'm starting with Ezra & Haggai. The church I go to have this amazing womens ministry. We are using the Precepts books which so far I highly recommend. The book of Ezra is about God's people taken out of their Land, temple is destroyed, people return, start rebuilding temple, discouraged by enemys, stop building temple, encouraged by Haggai and God, and the rebuild the temple in a nut shell so far. What I'm getting out of it is to trust God b/c he has a bigger plan than I do.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

1/2 Marathon Challenge

I'm sooo excited about my 1/2 marathon. I have until next Dec. Should be plenty of time.

The program:

The goal:

I'm starting in a few weeks. Stay tuned to a new playlist and how it is going. (If you have an awesome song you like to run to let me know...I'm looking for some new ones.)