So, last night I was thinking about my ultimate favorite sports people. So, here goes:
1. Nolan Ryan - i grew up loving him; i remember my brother getting his baseball card or autograph (sorry i can't remember the sticken details) and being o so jealous.
2. Troy Aikman - my love for Aikman grew when he endorsed wing stop. i'm obsessed with wing stop so there you go.
3. Steve Nash - loved to watch him play when i was in high school.. come back!
4. Jason Kidd - i'm so glad he is back!
5. Dirk Nowitzki - seems like a cool guy to chill with
6. Lance Armstrong - he is from plano and is a rock star!
7. Mike Modano- well i have to have a stars guy
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Last night we went to go see Dracula at the new Opera House in Downtown Dallas. It was a great experience. When we arrived the parking couldn't have been easier. I must admit I'm a little afraid of heights. So, as we walked up the stairs I freaked out a bit. Then our seats were right on the edge which are great b/c there are no distracting heads in front of you but boy was it scary. As the lights dimmed this huge chandelier was taken to the catwalk area. Everyone applaud. When the host came on he said I've never been upstaged by a chandelier before then just stood there and watched it go up up and away. It really set the stage for something magical. Then the musicians came out and the movie began. It was really spectaular. I hadn't seen/read Dracula before let alone the old b&w one which is the one they played. It wasn't to scary; it was even comical at times. The orchestra really made it special and brought a whole dimension to the atmosphere. The guy that composed it was even there. I was expecting a lot of mistakes at the House since the whole Texas Stadium fiasco, but it all ran pretty smoothly. Sorry I forgot to charge my mini camera to take pics. I did wear my cowboy boots again and Matt wore a suit. The attire for the night ran from jeans to cocktail so if you ever go just wear what you like.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Our trees are changing fast. Every day they are a new color. Pretty soon they will be naked tress but in the meantime they are gorgeous. I haven't really decorated the house much mostly b/c last years stuff is in the attic still. Honestly I can't even remember what we bought last year. So we are decor less until Christmas.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
So, Matt started calling them Sweddyball from I guess SNL and it almost ruined them for me. Seriously. How gross but even that couldn't run me off they are that good. I served them with mashed potatoes well b/c I'm obsessed with potatoes.
It was just in time to revive my appetite. Everything all this week has tasted blah. I think I burned my tongue on chili causing everything to taste off. That or I'm getting sick. Off to search for something special for Halloween dinner. Matt and I watch Ghost Hunters all night and hand out candy. Kinda a fun tradition. This year I'm going to make something spooky :)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Check out my mad pizza skills. I have been practicing throwing the dough in the air and catching it. Man I should of had Matt taken a pic of that. This is a simple dough you make and leave in the fridge over night pretty cool really and it taste better than frozen junk. Sorry just frozen pizza makes me sick. So I'm a little mad at them right now. I hear mixed reviews on the pizza stone. I wonder if it is worth a the price and b the space. I got a ravioli cutter for my birthday so that will be my next Italian endeavor.
Monday, October 12, 2009
With my birthday money this year I decided to buy my first pair of cowboy boots. I looked some online and found some really cute ones at Sheplers. So, I knew I could find a some there. At first I couldn't really see any I liked and felt a little overwhelmed. Right when I was about to give up a sales lady came and helped me out. She showed me these gorgeous eagle ones that I just feel in love with. I'm so glad that she pointed them out. I missed them. Then she told me me few tips about size and care. I ended up getting one size bigger and I'm glad I did. They are so comfortable.
Then I had to get a dress. We went to Dillards and then again I couldn't find a thing until the sales lady to the rescue. I ended up finding 2 dresses and I would have gotten 3 but they didn't have my size. The prices were pretty good there if anyone is in search.
Check out my aperture on my photo. Maybe I did learn a few things in class!
Then I had to get a dress. We went to Dillards and then again I couldn't find a thing until the sales lady to the rescue. I ended up finding 2 dresses and I would have gotten 3 but they didn't have my size. The prices were pretty good there if anyone is in search.
Check out my aperture on my photo. Maybe I did learn a few things in class!
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