Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Baby It's Cold Outside!
Monday, December 10, 2007
1st Christmas at the New Place
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Family Traditions
So, I was talking with one of my friends about traditions growing up and decided I should make some for my new family.
Here are some that we do:
1. Eat dinner together at the table
2. Get groceries for the week on Sunday
3. Look at Christmas lights w/ James and Kendall
4. Every other year alternate Thanksgiving and Christmas with our families
5. Allcorn Recipe Cookbook - a place to keep recipes we love
My new plan:
1. Everything above
2. Collect spoons wherever we travel
3. Yearly camping trip
4. Pizza and a Movie/TV Friday
5. Saturday Yummy Breakfast
Here are some that we do:
1. Eat dinner together at the table
2. Get groceries for the week on Sunday
3. Look at Christmas lights w/ James and Kendall
4. Every other year alternate Thanksgiving and Christmas with our families
5. Allcorn Recipe Cookbook - a place to keep recipes we love
My new plan:
1. Everything above
2. Collect spoons wherever we travel
3. Yearly camping trip
4. Pizza and a Movie/TV Friday
5. Saturday Yummy Breakfast
Monday, December 3, 2007
Where'd Nov Go?
So, I think I just missed the month of November. Seriously, I don't know where it went. It feels like I blinked and poof it was over. So, I'm going to make everything I can out of December. Our tree and lights are up and look amazing. I have been listening to Sirius Satellite Radio on my way home. There is this guys that has a talk show on the Cosmo channel. I love it. It makes the drive almost pleasant. I think anything after 45 minutes is just crazy. I have been getting to the office 7-7:30 and leave around 4-4:30, but I feel so guilty leaving then. Our office is moving closer to Matt's which will be great. Last weekend we went to the Frisco's town center to check out the light display. It was really cool. They even had reindeer.
Note: LOL, just noticed my sis and I have the exact same topic for this post. Pretty funny.
Note: LOL, just noticed my sis and I have the exact same topic for this post. Pretty funny.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. Don't forget to watch Charlie Brown tonight ;)
Here is a list of what I'm thankful for this year:
1. Matt's accident wasn't worse
2. Our families support system
3. A house
4. A sweet Jeep
5. Caring friends
Here is a list of what I'm thankful for this year:
1. Matt's accident wasn't worse
2. Our families support system
3. A house
4. A sweet Jeep
5. Caring friends
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
2 Loads To Go!
We have 2 more loads to go. One from my sisters and one from my parents. The kitchen is pretty much done a few things here and there. I never realized how much stuff we have. Oh my gosh. Seriously I need to do a good will run. Anyone know of anyone that wants a huge broken tv. I think the tube is out. Were trying to get someone to take it. I promise to put pics up this weekend of the new pad.
I'm listening to lite fm right now and heard my first Christmas song. It makes me want to go shopping so bad. I must admit I'm having a little anxiety attack. Thank god Matt is going to have a two week vacation coming up.
I'm listening to lite fm right now and heard my first Christmas song. It makes me want to go shopping so bad. I must admit I'm having a little anxiety attack. Thank god Matt is going to have a two week vacation coming up.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Wedding Photos
I finally got my wedding photos. Let me know if you want me to email some to you. There are a million. So, I might just put them on a photo site for you guys. I made a mini slide show to give you guys a taste. We just went to our last wedding of our college couple friends last night. The food was so yummy. They had the beef on a stick thing with some kind of sauce that was delicious and great egg rolls. The rehearsal dinner was at this fabulous Italian restaurant. I will have to go back.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
More Pics
I thought I'd add a few more pics of our new place. Hope you guys enjoy. We have our final walk through on Halloween. Hopefully we won't find anything spooky:P Closing is on the first and Move in Date is the third. We are about half way packed and if you know me its killing me we aren't 100% done. As long as we are all packed by Halloween I will be happy. Some of our good Tech friends are getting married this weekend. I'm so excited for them. Especially because it give me a chance to dress up two nights. Anyways, I'll post some moving pics in a few weeks.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
16 Day Countdown to Moving Day
I am so excited only 16 more days until we move. Last night we had the chance to go in it again. I know I have seen it like 20 times already. All we have left is packing and few lose ends. Cross your fingers that we have nice moving weather. Matt recruited a lot of great help so it will go fast. Boy is the time flying. It will be here before we know it.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Movies in the Park
Last night Matt and I went to the movies in the park to see Charlotte's Web. It was a really cute movie, but I am terrified of spiders. Every time she was on screen I had to turn away. By the end of the movie I was just sure spiders were crawling all over me. Well we started to walk to the car and I took a sip from my drink and guess what there was a spider right on my mug. I flipped out. I kid you not. It was the funnest thing. The movies in the park was one of the coolest things I've been to in Plano. I was suprised on how many couples our age that were there. Next time I'm going to have to stop by Weirs to grab some popcorn.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Cooking Blog
Hey Guys! I now have a new cooking blog. Here is the site so far: http://spicytexan.blogspot.com/
Some great content to come:
Gadget Monday
Technique Tuesday
With Love Wednesday
No Fuss Thursday
Date Night Friday
Some great content to come:
Gadget Monday
Technique Tuesday
With Love Wednesday
No Fuss Thursday
Date Night Friday
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Long Time, no blog part 2
Ok, so I'm an awful blogger apparently. Everything is finally getting back in place. Let me get everything caught up:
First, Matt was in a small accident. He is doing well. Had a few cuts, but they are healing with the thanks to coco butter. His car on the other hand not so much. It was totalled. We were planning on buying a new car in a year. So, it kinda worked out nice b/c we received more money than if we would have traded it in. Last night we bought our first car. We decided on the four door Jeep Wrangler. I adore it. I'm so nervous to drive it. It feels so cool to pick out the exact car you want and buy it with your own money. A since of pride comes over ya. The four wheel
drive will come in handy when we go to New Mexico and Colorado. Two of my favorite places. Some day I hope to have enough saved where I can ski every winter there. I'm not a granola eating kind of nature person, but I do love granola and nature. It's nice to get out of the city every now and then.We do have a nature preserve here. It's really cool. My sis, Ash, and I went there twice last week. A few weeks ago I tried the bike trail I did when I was a kid. Man was that crazy.
So, update on the house stuff. We decide not to buy my grandmas. Instead we are buying a home more north. Closing is on Nov 1st and I can't wait to move. The area we are moving to is really booming right now. I'm so excited about finally having space to have people over. Here are some pics:

So, update on the house stuff. We decide not to buy my grandmas. Instead we are buying a home more north. Closing is on Nov 1st and I can't wait to move. The area we are moving to is really booming right now. I'm so excited about finally having space to have people over. Here are some pics:

Friday, June 29, 2007
Long Time, No Blog
So, it has taken me way to long to blog again. It's even hard to just take a minute to breath lately. I have no idea how we became so busy. I don't even have time to get groceries, my favorite part of the week. I do like having thing to do though. I get so bored watching tv.
Let me catch you up. We had a lovely trip in St. John. Matt and I went to a Jazz place one night. That was a lot of fun. We also went on a million mile hike. We got to see all kinds of ruins. They were gorgeous. Hope you enjoy the slideshow. I wish we took more pictures. Good thing my bro did.
As for the house hunting we are now looking at buying my grandma's house. She recently moved to an assisted living community. We are still looking at a move date in Nov. 124 Days! I am so excited. The house is two neighborhoods down from my parents and three from my sis. It is so ideal. It even has a movie room. So our house will be smelling like popcorn in no time. The house has a lot of work to be done from the foundation to the door knobs. We will have it just in time for football season for parties.
I don't see anything in our life slowing down right now. Last weekend we had my Mom's big birthday bash and a company picnic. This weekend we have Ash's 1st birthday party and then a rough riders game. For the 4th there will be some much needed walking and hanging out. I have gained 7 pounds since I got married. AGHH! I haven't even changed anything. I blame it on stress. I tend to do that for no reason. Anyways, I will have to post some pics later. Tell then.
Let me catch you up. We had a lovely trip in St. John. Matt and I went to a Jazz place one night. That was a lot of fun. We also went on a million mile hike. We got to see all kinds of ruins. They were gorgeous. Hope you enjoy the slideshow. I wish we took more pictures. Good thing my bro did.
As for the house hunting we are now looking at buying my grandma's house. She recently moved to an assisted living community. We are still looking at a move date in Nov. 124 Days! I am so excited. The house is two neighborhoods down from my parents and three from my sis. It is so ideal. It even has a movie room. So our house will be smelling like popcorn in no time. The house has a lot of work to be done from the foundation to the door knobs. We will have it just in time for football season for parties.
I don't see anything in our life slowing down right now. Last weekend we had my Mom's big birthday bash and a company picnic. This weekend we have Ash's 1st birthday party and then a rough riders game. For the 4th there will be some much needed walking and hanging out. I have gained 7 pounds since I got married. AGHH! I haven't even changed anything. I blame it on stress. I tend to do that for no reason. Anyways, I will have to post some pics later. Tell then.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
St. John Bound

Here is a photo of where we will be staying. I got it off the owner's website. Gorgeous huh?

Thursday, March 1, 2007
The Hunt
Starting last February we started checking neighborhoods out. Last weekend my mom and grandparents were kind enough to check a few out with us. There are so many out there. Thanks guys!
While the hunt is still on, we have narrowed it down to a really cute one story. The only bad thing is that we will be moving farther away from my family, but they seem to understand. We plan on starting the build at the end of this month or next.
This weekend we are going to check out the design center and a few other neighborhoods near by.
Looking at houses takes a lot of time. We usually start around 1 and stop around 5. I've started to check out the furniture stores around just for pricing :). I like Weirs, Hemispheres, and Rooms To Go. If you go to http://www.bassettfurniture.com/ you can tell them the dimensions of you room and place your furniture in it. It's really cool. The house we like has 3 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, a dining room, a office, a kitchen, a breakfast nook, and a game/movie room. I'm really excited about the movie room. Movies and games are some of our favorite things to do. So, I know we are going to have fun in there.
Catch Up

A girl down the hall from me asked if I wanted to go hang out with her and her friends. New at school I jumped on the opportunity to meet people. I never knew I was going to meet my husband that night. We didn't do much of anything really, but I started to hang out with them more and more. Matt and I became inseparable. Then we got a mascot, Pepper. He goes everywhere with me.
Before we knew it Matt graduated and had a job in Dallas and I was on my last semester. We got engaged and the planning started.
The Big Day
Finally the big day arrived and we got married.
Monday, January 1, 2007
About Me
I am a born and raised Texan. Both my parents grew up in the Dallas Metro. They met, they fell in love, they got married, and they had babies...3 of them. I'm the middle child. I have an older sister, Jen and a younger brother, Michael. Don't worry I don't have middle child syndrome to bad..ok maybe a little but that isn't my parents fault...they have gone over and beyond making sure I know they love me.
Not wanting to be predicable or just not trying in high school I went to Texas Tech. I really didn't know much about it just that my dad went there for a semester. I ended up with a fiance and a management information systems degree. Not really knowing much about the business world I ended up in well...a secretary role really at a consulting firm. I got to dabble here and there with websites and project plans but didn't really dive into my "career" right away. I got to work with some cool people and things were always changing (which I liked b/c well let's face it I like change). Then my boss came across a new offering for the company and it was a perfect fit for me. So, I'm now a consultant in the BI space and loving it.
My hobbies have included cooking, painting, photography, scrapbooking, blogging, planning financials (ok that one is more like a sick obsession), decorating, pretty much anything that can't pay the bills and no one really cares about. Recently I have started to run. I really enjoy pushing myself to the limit to see how far I can go. I think it is important to set goals so this time it is a 5K.
Hopefully in writing this blog I will be able to find myself whatever that means. I am still pretty young and while most people think I have it all figured out I don't. I'm told God gives gifts to everyone...He just hasn't told me what mine is yet. So, in the meantime I'm going to keep on moving.
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